Achieving Independence Support Services
I am Jamie Brodnax, Support Broker & owner of Achieving Independence.I am a longtime resident of Howard County, where I currently live, work and volunteer. I am very familiar with the resources, supports and activities available in our community. Professionally, my primary focus has been on assisting and educating others. I earned an AA degree and a BS degree both in Psychology, focusing on intellectual disabilities and mental health, from Regent University in VA. I dedicated 7 years to special education and behavior management within HCPSS, 3 years providing direct support to individuals with Autism, and an additional 3 years as a Service Coordinator facilitating access to DDA waivered services. I am driven by a dedication to aiding others, advocating for rights and equal treatment, and empowering others to live a life of their choosing. I currently provide support broker services, day to day admin services, and other personalized supports as a vendor in all areas throughout Maryland.